Oil on board
48×24 inches (122×61 cm)
6 June 2018
Purchase Original
Christ’s ultimate test was in the garden of Gethsemane, where he began the Atonement. But on the cross he faced the immense personal challenge of loving those who were crucifying him.
The Poem
As I was finishing this painting, this free verse came to my mind. As attested to by the storms and earthquakes accompanying his death, all nature responded to these events:
The Tree
I think of that tree, raising its branches toward Heaven,
bringing life and breath and joy to the world,
thrilled to be part of God’s plan.
But then chopped, hewn and thrown to the ground,
as men
God’s son to it.
And then exulting, as from that embrace The Son cried,
“It is finished”
Responding to requests, I created two versions of my poem “The Tree”, with my painting “Loving Your Enemies” as background. Both are available as prints in a variety of prices, sizes, archival papers, and framing options. Click the images below to see enlargements and order prints.

Some closeups from the painting. Click one of them to start a slideshow.

The Swirls

The swirls in the background represent the forces struggling to control one of the most pivotal moments in human history. These swirls are entirely random, but I have identified 19 figures among them so far, representing both sides. Contact me to contribute your own ideas. If you do, also please note whether or not your would like your name and contact information or social media site included in a possible future post on the subject.
Process Photos
Click the photos below to see enlargements of the painting in progress.

Related Paintings
See paintings related to Christ’s atonement, crucifixion and resurrection on my website.
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