A Mother’s Love

Oil on canvas, 24×30 inches (60x76cm), 2023

A Mother’s Love

inspired by a story I heard a few months ago. Reliable sources have confirmed to me that the story is true. Its messages are broad and very timely.

It told of a young woman, nine months pregnant, whose doctor had informed her that her baby, still in her womb, had died. They needed to make preparations to remove it.

Devastated, the mother and her husband felt prompted to go to the temple. There, they counseled with loving brothers and sisters and were invited to perform ordinances uniting families together for eternity.

While sealing a daughter to her parents, the mother felt God’s love pour into her broken heart. She sensed that the Savior was cradling her, even as she wanted to cradle her child. Tears of gratitude flowed. Hearing this story, I knew I had to retell it in paint.