The following product lines are available for licensing to the retail, faith, and home markets: Vector Natura, The Art of Faith, and Vector Toons. Download my 48-page Vector Natura catalog (PDF, 28MB) or contact me for more information.
Lobelia. Chix and Hens. Grass. Oak leaves. Trees. The beauty of everyday nature parades on framed art in businesses and homes. Quiet images with focus and detail, their vector format allows them to grace billboards, postage stamps and everything in between. Hundreds of images available.
My catalog is online (PDF, 28MB).

Original paintings depicting scenes of faith from The Bible, The Book of Mormon, and everyday life. Perfect for framed art in chapels and homes and as posters and greeting cards.

Cartoons and linework to brighten and inspire through greeting cards, posters, tee shirts and other media.

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