My goal is to help improve the human condition by creating works that bring joy, uplift, and change hearts.

We are not alone. Everything about us results from the efforts of others—the homes we live in, the food we eat, the roads we drive on, and the clothes we wear. Our schools, our government, our churches, our jobs, even our lives exist because of the efforts of others.
Our obligation in living on this planet is to give back. We do this by giving thanks and preparing the ground for others. Kindness, patience, thoughtfulness, love and sacrifice bring this about. Our daily efforts to develop these traits help us rise above our animal passions and mark our progress as humans. Our relationship with God raises us infinitely more.
This is our obligation, challenge, and pleasure and the purpose and point of all we do. It is why I create.
-Lester Yocum
photos courtesy M. Rose Photography
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