Did It!

A very full weekend for me, all done. Yay! Well, except for Church tomorrow, but that is a happy given.

Crime, and Creativity Logo
Crime, and Creativity Logo

The Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity literary conference went off well, with no one kicking off the panels I participated in. I got to sign a few books and make a bunch of new friends. Marvelous!

Many kudos to Cindy and Mike, who braved the Baltimore Beltway on a Friday afternoon in order to pick up the poster we gave away after the book signing. Really good people; marvelous support.

Marriott Ranch
Marriott Ranch

The Western Day Picnic at the Marriott Ranch today was great! Fantastic weather and great people, made many more friends and even got to practice my Mandarin with the delegation from China. I did somewhere around 9 portrait sketches and only one had “What’s this???” reaction. Very cool. A great thing to be turning out drawings alongside Rose Datoc Dall, Jonathan Linton, and Jennifer Scoville Babcock again. I learn a lot from these generous, gracious, very talented people.

And it’s only 6:30! I may actually get some sleep tonight. Yay!